Bring knowledge to life

Find a tutor which can teach you develop a new skill or improve your existing skill set


Registered tutors

We bring knowledge to life by connecting people seeking to develop a new skill with some of the most passionate private tutors on the internet

Education and gained knowledge is your passport to explore future opportunities

Private tutoring helps you gain knowledge for a lifetime

In a world that’s constantly evolving, the need to develop or improve your skill set is critical. Our mission is to make private tutoring simple, safe and affordable for everyone

We believe the process to connect people with private tutors should be made simple. That’s why a booked lesson through our platform is only a few clicks away

Our tutors set their own hourly rates making it possible for students to choose a tutor which fits their own budget

Our tutor review system promotes feedback sharing, helping you to make a safe choice of an instructor on our platform


# of registered students


# of lessons given on our platform


# of offered subjects on our platform

Books, videos and online courses are great, but sometimes you need a real person to assist you when questions arise. Our private tutors will surely help you out. Find the perfect tutor for you on your way to success

Start learning a new skill today

Large community of evaluated private tutors

All private tutors on our platform go through a registration process in which they are evaluated before they can begin teaching through our platform

There are important benefits to both online tutoring and in-person tutoring. That’s why we offer both forms of tutoring on our platform

On-demand online tutoring
  • Connect with a tutor in just one hour
  • Enjoy lessons from the comfort of your own home
  • Live learning platform for all subjects
  • Access to countless online tutors
Private in-person tutoring
  • You tell us what you’re looking for in a tutor
  • Teach Bunny helps identify top candidates for you
  • Candidates are pre-screened so you only get the best
  • Background checks added free of charge for each tutor

We are constantly growing our community of passionate private tutors because of the flexibility we provide for our tutors. Sign up today to become our next private tutor and begin teaching within hours.

  • Tutor students online or in-person
  • Set your own hourly rate
  • Manage your schedule online
  • Hundreds of new tutoring opportunities every day


Set your schedule

Learning Languages My Way
Sophia Turner, Language StudentAspiring Multilingual Communicator

Learning Languages My Way

I've had an amazing experience with Teach bunny! It's perfect for someone like me who needs to balance work and studies. I can learn new languages at my own pace and the tutors are incredibly supportive and engaging. They make learning a new language not just easy, but enjoyable. I highly recommend Teach bunny to anyone looking to expand their language skills in a flexible setting.
Teaching Science, Touching Lives
David Zheng PhD in Molecular Biology

Teaching Science, Touching Lives

Being a tutor at Teach bunny has been an enriching experience. It's a privilege to meet students from all over the globe and help them navigate the complexities of biology. Teach bunny supports a dynamic learning environment where I can share my passion for science and witness real-time student growth. This platform genuinely fosters both educational engagement and professional development for tutors.
Discovering Science, Discovering Myself
Laura GibsonEnvironmental Science Enthusiast

Discovering Science, Discovering Myself

Traditional classes never suited my learning style, but Teach bunny has been a game-changer. The platform offers hands-on, interactive learning that suits my pace and style. The tutors are experts who are genuinely interested in helping students understand and appreciate environmental science. I've gained a wealth of knowledge and am more passionate than ever about my field. Teach bunny has been an invaluable part of my educational journey.
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